Thursday, April 22, 2010

Howdy Sisters

We are so pleased with the overwhelming interest in our 5th Sisters on the Fly NW Outing. We have 66 people signed up, the campground can hold 70 trailer so we are almost ready to slam the coral door on this thing. I am so excited , I can hardly stand it.....Nancy Baum #679, Teresa Klock #430 and I have put our heads together to try and make this a very free flowing event. You can participate in as much or as little as you choose....we are looking forward to showing you this beautiful community way out here in the middle of (nowhere) Washington State.

If you would like a preview of the campground check out their website.



  1. Jani: Can you clarify for us if the dress up night is literally "boots, chaps & cowgirl hats" or is it just cowgirl dress up? Great blog and I am excited? Thanks, Cyndy #841

  2. Great question's just a Dress UP get out your best CowGirl Bling and live it up...this is just for the fun of it!

    And for those who don't like to dress up, then don't, it's not a requirement.

    See Ya!

  3. Jani,Nancy and Theresa...thanks loads for all your time, effort and planning. Diane and I sat down together yesterday and mapped out a tentative scenic route from Fort Collins to WA, via Steamboat Springs, CO and Flaming Gorge, UT, then up through Boise and on NW. If anyone in Idaho has suggestions for campgrounds let us know! This will be our 'trial' trip, sharing driving and 2 sisters in one trailer! Peggy #229

  4. Thanks so much for doing all of this! I will be coming from Sandy, Oregon and going through Yakima and Goldendale. Would love any tips if anyone has them on where to possibly stay the night before close to Goldendale or on I-84. Cant wait to see everyone and their cute, cute trailers. The "chick shack" will be there and ready.

    Julie, Sandy, Oregon. Sister #1340

  5. I was just asked when we pull up stakes...the event begins on Thursday June 24th and we leave on Monday morning June 28th...we need to be out by noon.

  6. Can't wait to hook up the "Haul-A-Day Inn" and head north. Sounds like we are in for some real fun! =)
    ~Sherri #1216

  7. Some house keeping advice here...since we are going to be putting 2 trailers on a site, I highly recommend that you bring a hose looks like a Y and allows 2 hoses to be connected to one hose bib. They only cost a couple of bucks...and while you are at it, a power splitter would be another nice thing to put in your tool box.

  8. So here is a tease until I can figure out how to transport a list of who is attending...we have 1 from South Carolina, 3 from Canada, 3 from Arizona, 9 from California, 4 from Colorado, 9 from Idaho, 14 from Oregon and 27 from Washington...YAHOO!

  9. I so wish I could go to this event! I booked Farm Chicks last September, so it's too close for me. Well, rather, my husband! He can't "babysit" that much in one month. LOL I told him it's not babysitting if they're your OWN kids. Anyway, I hope you girls have an amazing time!! Have a fish tail & martini for me!
    ~~Heather, #1156, Cheney, WA ~~

  10. Jani: Would you please post the attendees names on this blog? Also, what has the weather been like? Do you think we should bring rain gear, LOL?

  11. I am sooooooooooo ready for this trip!!!!!!!!
    Just gotta stock up on my mid-nite junck stash!lol!
    Happy Trails!

  12. Wahooo! according to the weather forecast it should be in the low 80's by day & high 50's by night!
    Thanx Jani for ordering in such wonderful camping weather!...see ya all in 5 more days!

  13. I could leave today....I'm so mentally ready for this vacation and lots of laughs. The weather sounds just right. Thank you Jani for putting this together. I know it's lots of work and the rest of us get to come along and enjoy.

  14. Hope you're all ready to have more fun than anyone!! Anxious to get this party started..yeeehaaawwwwww!!!

  15. Link for the video:
